Friday, April 04, 2008

My monkey god-baby

I would like to take a moment and pontificate on how absolutely amazing my wonderful, beautiful friend CountMockula is. Last week she allowed me to experience the awesomeness of the birth of her perfect baby girl, Azadeh Finn Peigahi, and were that not enough today she and sweetie asked me to serve as god-parent to said monkeybaby. Now let me just say, Anti-Munkygirl as I have been known to the Lankees is ready for the job, and grateful that it does not entail guiding her religious education, although, we may throw in some spiritual education just to be on the safe side.

I just wanted to the world out there to know, that I am in love with this beautiful human being, and consider myself one of the luckiest people on the planet to be here from the beginning.